Joining the August Break 2013

Today I learned about the August Break by reading this blog by Lisa (@TeachingwithSoul). The August Break was created by Susannah Conway and you can read all about it here.  Basically, it’s a daily photo challenge, but as formal or informal as you want it to be. The August Break allows you to take a break from writing/ blogging while looking at life a little differently, through a camera lens. You post pictures… one a day or as many as you want throughout the month.

I was inspired to join the challenge not because I need a break from my sporadic blog writing, but because I enjoy taking pictures and would like to use my pictures to tell a story this month. My pictures may or may not have a link to learning and leading, but I know they will enhance my reflective practices (still a work in progress) and my desire to strive for balance in my life.  So, here goes…



These are pictures of my latest adventure… trying to keep plants alive and figuring out how to grow fresh herbs on my tiny balcony.

About Amy's Reflections

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in Southern CA, taking time to reflect on leadership and learning
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4 Responses to Joining the August Break 2013

  1. Pingback: Climb | Reflections on Leadership and Learning

  2. Pingback: August Break 2014 | Reflections on Leadership and Learning

  3. Pingback: Picture Round Up | Reflections on Leadership and Learning

  4. Pingback: August Break Picture Update | Reflections on Leadership and Learning

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